Saturday, November 26, 2022

Ride or Die

 I had a dream last night where I don't remember much other than this one bit. A companion and I were traveling and ended up at a winter carnival of sorts and he wanted to go on one of the rides. It looked like a bobsled-track/rollercoaster of sorts. There was a girl ahead of us who was struggling to get into the ride; her feet kept slipping on the ice and she fell to the ground. Finally, someone helped her in but her hand stuck inside a crack in the ice. As the ride took off, she started screaming, being strapped into the ride but her hand still stuck. Slowly, the ride chugged along and ripped her arm from her body. A bloody river and her screams followed the track as the ride took her further away. No one did anything, no one cared. I, however, said a big, fat NOPE at getting on that ride.

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